Pacifica sends care and support to all those affected by the LA wildfires. Visit our Information and Resource Page (linked here) for more information.

Student reading outside at Lambert

The map below lists supervised practicum sites where students from Pacifica Graduate Institute have accrued hours. If you live in an area that has a lot of sites marked, you can zoom in to your city on the map to see each site’s location more clearly. To do this, simply double click near your location, each time you double click the map will zoom in more. You may also choose to click the “+” sign button in the bottom left corner of the map and then drag the map left or right to keep your location in the center. Note: if there are not any sites marked in your immediate area, the titles and types of sites listed can help you brain storm for the types of names to search for in your area. For example: search for the Salvation Army in your area, or search for blank County Mental Health, etc. If you have questions about this map, please contact Cynthia Fredericksen, the Practicum Associate at

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