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Citing from the Collected Works of C. G. Jung using the APA 7th ed.

Recommendations by Richard Buchen, Reference Librarian, Pacifica Graduate Institute

APA Style citations can be found for almost all of the works in the Collected Works of C. G. Jung on the Library Guide to Jung’s Collected Works page at https://pacifica.libguides.com/Jung/ .

These recommendations are based on the Reference Examples in chapter 10 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (American Psychological Association, 2020). Remember that the goal of a good citation is to enable the reader to find the place where you got the quotation or information that you are referring to, and that uniform formatting makes it easy for readers accustomed to the APA Style to do this.

Automatic citation generators often do a poor job of dealing with a volume in a series, so it is important to make sure that your citations from Jung’s writings are clear.

About the Date of Publication: The main date of publication in the reference list should be the date of publication of the edition of the volume you are citing from. Generally, the most recent copyright date on the back of the title page is the best date to use for this.  Most of the volumes in the Collected Works of C.G. Jung are collections of essays that were published and republished with revisions in various places. Our recommendation for the “Original work published” date that is required in APA Style for translations is to use the date in the table of contents of the Collected Works, because this represents the date of publication of the version from which the translation was made. Using the date of the first publication of an essay may result in citing ideas that were added decades later when Jung revised or expanded the article or book for republication.

About the translator: Not all of the Collected Works were translated by R.F.C. Hull. Volume 2 was translated by Leopold Stein and Diana Riviere, some essays in volume 18 were translated after Hull’s death, and some writings were originally published in English.

About the editors named in the citation: The 7th edition does recommend that all the names of editors that are listed on the title page or half-title page be used. However, since the editors varied over the course of the 25 years that the Collected Works were published, we recommend that “H. Read et al.” is sufficient.

Digital Object Identifiers (DOI): These are numbers assigned to each digital publication by the International DOI Foundation in collaboration with the publishers. They are recommended when available in APA Style (see section 9.34), although not always used at Pacifica. If you are using a print version, they are not usually needed at Pacifica.  It is important when writing a thesis or dissertation to use the DOI from Crossref.org or from the publisher, and to make sure that it does not include “pgi.idm.oclc”  which is the address of the Pacifica proxy server, and will lead to error messages for people without Pacifica passwords.

For a chapter in the Collected Works of C. G. Jung:

(See ch. 10.2, example no. 45 “Chapter in a volume of a multivolume work”)

Include the author and the date of publication of the volume you are citing. Generally, the most recent copyright date on the back of the title page is the best date to use.

Jung, C. G. (1969). Phenomenology of the spirit in fairy tales. (R. F. C. Hull, Trans.). In H. Read et al. (Eds.), The Collected works of C. G. Jung: Vol. 9 pt. 1. Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (2nd ed., pp. 207–254). Princeton University Press.  (Original work published 1948) https://doi.org/10.1515/9781400850969.207

Parenthetical citation: (Jung, 1948/1969)

Narrative citation: Jung (1948/1969)

For a monograph in the Collected Works:

A monograph is a book-length writing intended to be read and treated as a single work. Most books are monographs. Monographs in the Collected Works are volumes  5 (Symbols of Transformation), 6 (Psychological Types), 9 pt.2 (Aion), 12 (Psychology and Alchemy), and 14 (Mysterium Coniunctionis).

(for the APA Style guidance, see ch. 10.2, example 30. ”One volume of a multivolume work”)

An example:

Jung, C. G. (1967).  The collected works of C. G. Jung: Vol. 5. Symbols of Transformation (2nd ed.). (In H. Read, et al., Eds.). (R. F. C. Hull, Trans.). Princeton University Press. (Original work published 1952)