Financial Aid Policies
All instructors report attendance after the first class session each quarter. Prior to release of financial aid funds, attendance must be confirmed. Students unable to attend the first session of the quarter, need to contact the Office of Financial Aid . All loan funds will be returned to the U.S. Department of Education if attendance cannot be confirmed.
Change of Address:
It is each student’s responsibility to make sure the Registrar’s Office, the Office of Financial Aid , and the U.S. Department of Education Servicer have the most current and correct address, phone number, and e-mail information. If this information changes, the respective representatives must be notified. Visit the National Student Data System at to find the contact information for each loan holder/servicer.
Course Registration:
The student is required to register for coursework each quarter. All loan funds will be returned to the U.S. Department of Education if a student is not registered for coursework.
Dissertation PhD Enrollment:
Students enrolled in the PhD dissertation phase may be eligible for financial aid during the initial nine-quarter PhD dissertation enrollment period. The PhD dissertation fee is equal to one year’s tuition at the time the student entered the program of study. Students enrolled in the PhD dissertation extension may be eligible for aid for up to 4 quarters with an approved proposal on file. All pending financial aid will be cancelled once the final draft has been approved. The final draft approval date is considered the separation date from Pacifica and is the effective date in notifying the Department of Education. Refer to the Dissertation FA Fact Sheet for Financial Aid Recipients or contact the Financial Aid Office for complete details.
The Dissertations Process with Theresa Quijano
Dissertation Complete and Dissertation Completion Extension for PsyD Counseling Enrollment:
Students enrolled in the 2 quarters of PsyD Counseling Dissertation Completion or the 4 quarters of Dissertation Completion Extension may be eligible for financial aid. Please Refer to the PsyD Counseling Dissertation Completion Handout or contact Theresa Quijano, Associate Director of Financial Aid for complete details.
Leave of Absence:
Students must submit to the Registrar’s Office a completed Leave of Absence form. If a student finds it necessary to interrupt the program of study the student may request a leave of absence from Pacifica. Refer to the Student Accounts Office for details regarding the dissertation fee. During this period, the student will not be considered enrolled. If the leave exceeds six months, the loan(s) received while enrolled at Pacifica will enter the repayment phase. Any prior or consolidated loans may enter repayment immediately; consult the loan holder and/or U.S. Department of Education Servicer for details.
Loan Deferments:
Previously borrowed and current student loans may be deferred (post-pone repayment) while the student is enrolled at least half time. Pacifica has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse to verify enrollment for loan deferment purposes. Students should contact the loan servicer to determine if a deferment form is required by the loan servicer. If required, complete the Borrower Section then send the deferment form to Pacifica’s Registrar Office.
Satisfactory Academic Progress:
Students must maintain financial aid satisfactory academic progress in order to remain eligible for federal financial aid. Please refer to the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress page for complete details.
Student Loan Counseling:
Students borrowing from the Federal Loan programs, are required to complete an Entrance Counseling session prior to receiving the first loan disbursement and an Exit Counseling session upon leaving Pacifica. The loan counseling sessions are to inform the student of the rights and responsibilities of being a student loan borrower and about student loan indebtedness.
Traineeship or Internship (PhD) Only Status:
Students who register for Traineeship or PhD Internship Only Status are not considered to be enrolled and are not eligible for financial aid or in-school deferments on student loans.
Unusual Enrollment History
The U.S. Department of Education has established new regulations to prevent fraud and abuse in the TITLE IV Programs by identifying students with unusual enrollment histories. Some students who have an unusual enrollment history (UEH) have legitimate reasons for their enrollment at multiple institutions. However, such an enrollment history requires our office to review your file in order to determine future federal financial aid eligibility. If selected by the Department of Education (via the FAFSA), this must be resolved before you will receive financial aid. Unusual Enrollment History
If a student’s FAFSA application is selected by the Department of Education for verification or if Pacifica discovers conflicting financial information on an application, Pacifica will request that the student complete, sign and return a verification worksheet and signed copies of the federal tax transcript.
Withdrawing, Dropping, or Canceling Classes:
It is extremely important that students speak with the Financial Aid Office before reducing or changing enrollment status. Awards may be reduced or canceled if the student fails to maintain required enrollment status. Based on the date of notification, the student may receive a pro-rated refund.
Withdrawing from the Institute
Student Withdrawals — Students who find it necessary to withdraw or take a leave of absence from Pacifica must notify the Registrar’s Office in writing. The following policy has been set by the Department of Education for all federal financial aid recipients.
Return of Federal Funds policy — Pacifica Graduate Institute has implemented the Return of Federal Funds policy as required by federal regulations (Sect. 668.22 Higher Education Amendments of 1998). For those students who are eligible and receive federal financial aid and find it necessary to withdraw from all courses at Pacifica prior to the completion of the current quarter, the following federal policy applies. The focus of the policy is to return the unearned portion of the federal financial aid for the enrollment period. Only the amount of financial aid that has been earned (based on the number of calendar days completed in the period of enrollment) will be retained on the student’s behalf. Any aid unearned will be returned to the U.S. Department of Education. The Return of Federal Funds will be calculated based on the date the student begins the official withdrawal process (by notifying the Registrar’s Office), the last date of documented attendance or for an unofficial withdrawal, the mid-point of the term or the last documented date of attendance. If a student withdraws from school on or before the 60% point in the term, then the school and possibly the student shall return the percentage of unearned Title IV federal financial aid. The distribution of returned funds is as follows:
- Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
- Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan
- Grad PLUS Loan
- State, Private, or Institutional Aid
- The Student
Refundable Tuition Policy:
Refunds— refers to the calculation of institutional charges and is a separate calculation from the Return of Federal Funds calculation. The amount of refundable institutional charges (tuition and residential/non-residential fees) will be prorated based on school policy (see below). If there is a balance due by the student as a result of the unearned financial aid being returned, the student will be responsible for payment of the difference.
Students dropping or withdrawing from a course:
To be eligible for a refund, a completed Request to Drop a Class Form must be received by the Registrar Office. The date of withdrawal will be determined by the date written notification is received. Students dropping or withdrawing from a course will receive a pro-rated refund based on a “per unit tuition calculation”*.
Refundable Residential/Non-Residential Fee Policy:
To be eligible for a full refund, written notification must be submitted to the Guest Services Department at least five (5) days prior to the beginning of on-site instruction. if a student attends any portion of the quarterly on-site session then withdraws, takes a Leave of Absence, or drops courses from Pacifica, a Residential/Non-Residential refund will only apply to subsequent sessions in that quarter and not the session during which the student withdraws, takes a Leave of Absence, or drops courses. If the school cancels or discontinues an on-site session, the student will receive a pro rata refund of the fee.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (FSAP)
All students who apply for and receive financial aid must be making FSAP toward completion of degree requirements. For all students enrolled in coursework. Annual evaluation of FSAP will occur after summer grades are posted each year (in August or September depending on the summer track end dates). For PsyD Clinical Psychology program the FSAP review will occur after spring grades are posted each year.
A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 must be maintained AND a minimum of 67% of attempted units must be successfully completed with a grade of “C” or better (grade of “B” or better required for Clinical students). Transfer credit (“TR”) will be considered as both attempted and completed units. Incomplete grades (“I”), failing grades (“F”, “NP”), withdrawn grades (“W”), repeated courses (“R”) and courses in progress with grades pending (“J”) will be counted as attempted units and excluded from completed units until successful grades are posted to the transcript. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure FSAP is maintained. PhD Dissertation students completing dissertation coursework are considered to be in progress and will be counted as attempted credits and will not receive a grade until the student is able to complete his/her PhD dissertation. Students who are completing their PhD dissertation demonstrate FSAP by having a committee formed and submitting acceptable written work to their dissertation committee chair by the end of the first year. The committee chair must confirm that such progress has occurred. At the end of the 9-quarters of dissertation, in order to be making FSAP, a student must have a committee approved proposal to receive aid during a third year of dissertation work. Federal financial aid is not available beyond the third year of dissertation work. Students will not receive prior FSAP warnings. Students who fail to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and/or fail to successfully complete a minimum of 67% of attempted units each year will lose eligibility for Federal Stafford and Grad Plus Loans. These students will be notified in writing if/when their eligibility for federal aid is suspended. Students, for whom federal aid has been suspended, may appeal if extenuating circumstances (such as a death in the family, injury, illness, or other special circumstances) has hindered academic performance. Students are strongly encouraged to submit a written appeal two weeks after receiving notification that financial aid has been suspended. Appeals must be in writing, include an explanation of why FSAP was not maintained and what has changed that would allow them to demonstrate FSAP at the next evaluation. In addition, a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is a requirement of the appeal process. The corrective action plan should include a detailed explanation of how and when deficiencies will be resolved and may include a proposed academic plan for completion of the degree requirements. The appeal and the CAP must be submitted in writing to the Director of Financial Aid. Refer to the FSAP flyer from the Financial Aid Office for complete details along with breakdown of the maximum number of units a student may attempt to complete their program listed by program.
The following policies are related to a student’s eligibility for financial aid. These policies are separate from the academic standing policies set by the institution. This policy applies to all students, regardless of program of study or full-time/part-time status.
Academic Standing
Academic standing depends on several factors, including grades and attendance. The categories of academic standing are:
Good Standing
Graduate students are considered to be in good academic standing if they maintain a minimum 3.0 (B) cumulative grade point average. Students who do not maintain good academic standing will be referred to their Program Chair and will be placed on academic probation.
Good Standing – Counseling Psychology and Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programs
In addition to maintaining a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average, Counseling Psychology or Clinical Psychology doctoral students must receive a grade of B or higher in every graded.
Counseling Psychology and Clinical Psychology Course.
If a student receives a grade lower than a B in any graded course taken in the respective program, the student is required to remediate that grade. For complete details, please refer to the Academic Tutorial, Extended Tutorial, and Independent Study sections in this handbook.
See Student Handbook for more information.
*Annual Student Handbooks are published in August.
Satisfactory Progress (See Financial Aid below)
Students achieve satisfactory progress by receiving passing grades in all courses attempted and/or by maintaining a minimum 3.0 (B) cumulative grade point average. Financial aid recipients must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and successfully complete a minimum number of units each quarter. For complete details, refer to the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy in the Financial Aid section of this handbook. See Student Handbook for more information.
Academic Probation
A probation assessment is conducted each quarter at the time that quarterly grades are posted.
Students are placed on academic probation upon failure to achieve or maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Students may also be placed on academic probation for excessive unexcused absences or for failure to follow the Honesty or Conduct Policies of the Institute. After being notified of probationary status by the Registrar’s Office, it is recommended that a probationary student contact the Program Chair for advisement. Probationary status is removed when a student has raised their cumulative GPA to at least a 3.0 at the time that quarterly grades are posted and/or when the honesty, conduct, or attendance issues have been addressed satisfactorily.
A student may be on academic probation for no more than two consecutive quarters of enrollment. If probationary status is not remediated and removed within two enrolled quarters, a student will be academically disqualified.
Violations of Student Conduct policies may also result in probation from the Institute. Please refer to the Student Conduct section of this Handbook for complete details. See Student Handbook for more information.
Academic Disqualification
Academic disqualification discontinues a student’s current enrollment and bars further registration and attendance/participation in any course pending a review by the Education Council. There are five circumstances under which a student would be placed on academic disqualification status:
- Students who fail to resolve their academic probation status within two consecutive quarters of enrollment will automatically be placed on academic disqualification status.
- Students who do not make satisfactory progress during the six-month remedial work period of their clinical probation may be placed on academic disqualification status. Students in this situation have the opportunity to make a written and oral presentation to show cause for remaining in the program.
- Students who engage in additional unethical or illegal behavior in regard to the practice of psychotherapy while on clinical probation will undergo an immediate review. If the Education Council substantiates evidence of this behavior, the student may have their probation extended or may be placed on academic disqualification status.
- Students who fail to meet the parameters for achieving a passing score on the written or oral comprehensive exam will be placed on academic disqualification status. These parameters are detailed for each program on pages 44-48.
- Violation of the Honesty Policy or the Conduct Policy is cause for academic probation and/or disqualification. Refer to the Student Civility and Conduct Policy in this handbook for details.
When any of these situations occur, the Registrar will notify the student in writing of the status. Students who are academically disqualified will receive a prorated refund of tuition and fees based on Pacifica’s Refund Policy as described in this handbook. Financial aid recipients will be evaluated based on the Return of Federal Funds policy required by federal regulations as outlined in the Financial Aid section of this handbook.
Violations of Student Conduct policies may also result in disqualification from the Institute. Please refer to the Student Conduct section of this Handbook for complete details. See Student Handbook for more information.
Academic Disqualification Appeal Procedure
In the event a student is academically disqualified, they may submit a petition to the Education Council to appeal the disqualification. Petitions to the Education Council must be submitted to the Registrar within one week of receipt of the disqualification notice. The Council will review and consider all materials that are submitted and will respond to the student in writing. A copy of the Council’s action, along with the student’s petition, will be placed in their permanent file.
If the Education Council denies the appeal for reinstatement, the student has the option to apply for readmission unless the disqualification was based on the Conduct and Impairment Policy or the Honesty Policy. Students who are disqualified for violations of the Conduct and Impairment Policy or the Honesty Policy are eligible to appeal the disqualification by petitioning the Provost’s
Office who may appoint a review committee. The review committee will make a suggestion to the Provost and the decision of the Provost will be final. See Student Handbook for more information.
Academic Suspension
Students who are suspended due to violations of the Honesty Policy or the Conduct and Impairment Policy may not attend classes in person or online. Within three weeks of the date of the suspension, there will be a review by the Program Chair and the Provost to determine whether the student will be taken off of suspension and allowed to return to classes, continued on suspension for a determined period of time, placed on academic probation, or academically disqualified. The student will be notified of the date of this review and will have the option of providing a written response to the reviewing committee. Suspension of classes includes those conducted online; the suspended student will be denied access to the Learning Management System. See Student Handbook for more information.
Academic Transfer Credit Policy
Effective fall 2017, up to 16 quarter units in transfer credit may be accepted at both the master’s and doctoral levels, from external regionally accredited institutions or their foreign equivalent, and up to 16 quarter units in transfer credit may be accepted from another Pacifica Graduate Institute depending on the program. In some cases, there may be an approved Transfer Credit Agreement between programs (such as between the M.A. and Psy.D. Counseling Psychology programs) that specifies an alternate number of units. Please consult an admissions advisor regarding Transfer Credit Agreements. See Student Handbook for more information. See Student Handbook for more information.
Academic Incomplete Policy
If a student is unable to complete course work due to serious extenuating circumstances, the student may request an incomplete in that course. To prevent falling behind in coursework, students are strongly discouraged from taking incomplete grades. Students in most programs may not take more than four incomplete grades per academic year. Students in the hybrid programs take fewer courses and therefore may not take more than three incompletes per academic year. If a student exceeds the limit of incompletes per academic year, a grade of “F” or “NP” will be recorded on the transcript for each additional Request for Incomplete. Students can refer to their transcript to determine the number of incompletes previously taken in the academic year. Please note that certain classes may not allow incompletes. Students in each program should consult the course syllabus to determine if an incomplete is allowed in a particular course. To request an incomplete, students need to submit a Request for Incomplete form to the instructor on or before the course work due date. Students must then submit their completed work and Grade Change Form to the instructor on or before the incomplete work due date indicated in the course syllabus. Students are responsible for contacting the instructor regarding the work required to complete the course. The instructor will evaluate and submit the Grade Change Form to the Registrar’s Office within three weeks following the incomplete due date. Students are responsible for ensuring that their paperwork has been submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar will record the grade change and return the final paper plus a revised copy of the transcript to the student. The final grade recorded on the transcript will reflect the incomplete plus the course grade assigned by the instructor (i.e., IA, IB, etc.). Students who do not submit their final work within the required time period will receive a failing grade on their transcript. To remove the failing grade from the transcript, the student may complete a tutorial or repeat the course depending on the amount of time that has elapsed. If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, they will automatically be placed on probationary status. If the probationary status is not removed within two enrolled quarters, the student will be placed on academic disqualification status. Incomplete and failing grades may impact a student’s continued eligibility for financial aid. Please consult the Satisfactory Academic Progress section for complete details. In addition, a student’s eligibility to register for courses with required prerequisites may be affected. See Student Handbook for more information. See Student Handbook for more information.
Academic Repeating a Course
To remediate a failing grade in a course taken more than two years ago or a course for which the minimum attendance requirement was not met, a student must repeat the course. Both original and repeat enrollments will be noted on a student’s permanent academic record; however, unit credit and grade points are earned only once, and the units and grade points earned for the repeated course will be used in computing the grade point average. See Student Handbook for more information. See Student Handbook for more information.
Academic Withdrawal Policy
The withdrawal date for a student that officially withdraws (i.e. a withdrawal form is completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office) is the date the Registrar’s Office receives their withdrawal form (the form is date stamped when it is submitted) and the separation date is the last date of attendance (i.e. the last day of the quarter if the student id completing the quarter or the day the form is submitted during the quarter). See Student Handbook for more information. See Student Handbook for more information.
For All Federal Financial Aid Recipients Enrolled in Coursework
Annual evaluation of FSAP will occur after summer grades are posted each year (in August or September depending on the summer track end dates). For PsyD Clinical Psychology program the FSAP review will occur after spring grades are posted each year.
A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 must be maintained AND a minimum of 67% of attempted units must be successfully completed with a grade of “C” or better (grade of “B” or better required for Clinical students). Transfer credit (“TR”) will be considered as both attempted and completed units. Incomplete grades (“I”), failing grades (“F”, “NP”), withdrawn grades (“W”), repeated courses (“R”) and courses in progress with grades pending (“J”) will be counted as attempted units and excluded from completed units until successful grades are posted to the transcript.
Example: The percentage of completed units is calculated by dividing the number of successfully completed units by the number of attempted units. For example, if you attempt 6 units in each of the fall, winter, and spring terms for a total of 18 attempted units and you successfully complete a total of 12 units, you have completed only 66.7% and are not maintaining FSAP. Your eligibility for federal aid would be suspended.
For students enrolled in PhD Dissertation
PhD Dissertation students completing the PhD dissertation are considered to be in progress and will be counted as attempted credits and will not receive a grade until the student is able to complete his/her PhD dissertation. Students who are completing their PhD dissertation demonstrate FSAP by having a committee formed and submitting acceptable written work to their PhD dissertation committee chair/advisor by the end of the first year. The committee chair/advisor must confirm that such progress has occurred. At the end of the second year of PhD dissertation, in order to be making FSAP, a student must have a committee approved proposal to receive aid during a third year of PhD dissertation work. Federal financial aid is not available beyond the third year of PhD dissertation work. All pending aid will be cancelled once the final draft has been approved. The final draft date is the separation date from Pacifica and is the effective date reported to the Department of Education. Dissertation Processing Fees are not eligible for financial aid. Refer to the Dissertation FA Fact Sheet for more details. Visit the Dissertation Office for more information regarding the academic process.
For students enrolled in PsyD Dissertation Extension
PsyD Clinical Dissertation Extension students completing the PsyD dissertation are considered to be in progress and will be counted as attempted credits and will not receive a grade until the student is able to complete the PsyD dissertation. Students who are completing their PsyD dissertation demonstrate FSAP and must have a committee approved proposal to receive aid. Federal financial aid is not available beyond three quarters of PsyD dissertation extension work. Refer to the PsyD Dissertation Extension Fact Sheet for more details. Dissertation Processing Fees are not eligible for financial aid. Visit the Dissertation Office for more information regarding the academic process.
Financial Aid Suspension
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure FSAP is maintained. Students will not receive prior FSAP warnings. Students who fail to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and/or fail to successfully complete a minimum of 67% of attempted units each year will lose eligibility for Federal Stafford and Grad Plus Loans. These students will be notified in writing if/when their eligibility for federal aid is suspended.
Appeal Process
Students, for whom federal aid has been suspended, may appeal if extenuating circumstances (such as a death in the family, injury, illness, or other special circumstances) has hindered academic performance.
Students are strongly encouraged to submit a written appeal within two weeks after receiving notification that financial aid has been suspended. Appeals must be in writing and describe the basis for the appeal: the death of a relative, an injury, or illness of the student, or other special circumstances. The appeal should include an explanation as to what has changed that would allow the student to demonstrate FSAP at the next evaluation and a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) that provides a detailed explanation of how and when deficiencies will be resolved and may include a proposed academic plan for completion of the degree requirements. The appeal and the CAP must be submitted in writing to the Director of Financial Aid at Pacifica Graduate Institute, 249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013. The FSAP Committee will review each student’s appeal and CAP to determine whether the FSAP standards will be met and if eligibility for federal aid may be reinstated.
Maximum Timeframe
The maximum number of units a student may attempt in the process of completing their degree is:
Program~Number of Units required for Degree~Maximum Number of Attempted Units Allowed**
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology | 105 | 157.5 |
Psy.D. Clinical Psychology | 116 | 174 |
M.A. Counseling | 93 | 139.5 |
M.A./Ph.D. Depth Psychology | 90 | 135 |
M.A./Ph.D. Depth Specialization in Community, Liberation, Ecopsychology | 90 | 135 |
M.A./Ph.D. Depth Specialization in Jungian & Archetypal Studies | 90 | 135 |
M.A./Ph.D. Depth Specialization in Somatic Studies | 90 | 135 |
M.A. Depth Psychology and Creativity | 48 | 72 |
M.A./Ph.D. Mythological Studies | 89 | 133.5 |
Ph.D. Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices | 74 | 111 |
**The maximum number of units attempted may vary based on degree requirements at the point of admission to the program of study.
FSAP Policy during PhD Dissertation phase of the PhD programs:
All eligible financial aid recipients entering the dissertation phase of the PhD program will be awarded Stafford Loans on a borrower-based academic year. In other words, from the time the nine-quarter PhD dissertation enrollment period begins, financial aid will cover four consecutive quarters twice, and then one additional quarter. For example: dissertation start date January 1 (winter) – financial aid will cover four consecutive quarters (winter, spring, summer, fall).
Upon completion of the first four (4) quarters of the nine-quarter PhD dissertation enrollment period, the financial aid office will confirm your active participation in the dissertation process. Active participation is defined as the submission of written materials beyond the initial concept paper and on-going consultation with your dissertation committee. Once active participation is confirmed, you may be eligible for additional Stafford Loans during the second year of the two-year clock. Please be aware that all pending financial aid will be canceled once the final draft of your dissertation is approved. The final draft approval date is considered the separation date from Pacifica and will be the effective date reported to the Department of Education. Dissertation Processing Fees are not eligible for financial aid.
If you find that additional time beyond the nine quarters is necessary for completion of the PhD dissertation, you must enroll in the extended one-year clock. To remain eligible for additional Stafford Loans, the coordinator or chair of the dissertation committee must approve your proposal and submit your approval form to the dissertation office. Proposal requirements are defined by each program and are included in your dissertation handbook. It is your responsibility to stay in contact with your committee and to follow-up on the progress of your proposal approval. Please be aware that all pending financial aid will be canceled once the final draft of your dissertation is approved.The final draft approval date is considered the separation date from Pacifica and will be the effective date reported to the Department of Education. Dissertation Processing Fees are not eligible for financial aid.
Summary of PhD Dissertation Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements:
Federal Financial Aid Eligibility Requirements
- First four quarters of initial nine-quarter PhD dissertation enrollment: Successful completion of coursework requirements as defined by FSAP policy for coursework requirements.
- Remaining five quarters of initial nine-quarter PhD dissertation enrollment: Continued financial aid eligibility requires confirmed submission of written materials beyond the initial concept paper and on-going consultation with dissertation committee.
- Third year or Extended one-year clock: After completion of 9-quarter PhD registration, continued financial aid eligibility requires committee approval of the dissertation proposal.
- Federal financial aid is not available during quarters approved as No-Fee Extensions or beyond the extended one-year clock: Please be aware that all pending financial aid will be canceled once the final draft of your PhD dissertation is approved. Dissertation Processing Fees are not eligible for financial aid.
Dissertation Ph.D. Students SAP:
Ph.D. program students are eligible for financial aid during the nine-quarter dissertation phase of the PhD program. During the first year students must be actively engaged in the dissertation process by submitting written material and have on-going communication with the committee. If a student does not meet this requirement, any further aid will be suspended until progress is made & confirmed by the committee. Students whose financial aid is suspended will be notified in writing. Following the completion of the inital 9-quarter dissertation phase, students must have an approved proposal on file to remain eligible for financial aid during an extended one-year period. Students are not eligible for aid during quarters approved at No-Fee. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for complete details. Please note that once the final PhD dissertation draft is approved by committee, all pending financial aid will be canceled. The final draft approval date is considered the separation date from Pacifica and is the effective date reported to the Department of Education. Dissertation Processing Fees are not eligible for financial aid.
Financial Aid Policy Links:
- Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress-FSAP
- Institutional Refunds — Withdrawing From a Program
- Refunds – “Dropping a Class”
- Financial Aid Recipients Withdrawing From a Program
Return of Title IV Federal Funds (R2T4) Policy
For those students who are financial aid recipients the following policy has been set by the Department of Education.
Pacifica Graduate Institute has implemented the Return of Federal Funds policy as required by federal regulations (Sect. 668.22 of Higher Education Amendments of 1998). For those students who are eligible and receive federal financial aid and find it necessary to withdraw from all courses at Pacifica prior to the completion of the current quarter the following federal policy applies. The focus of the policy is to return the unearned portion of the federal financial aid for the enrollment period. Only the amount of financial aid that has been earned (based on the number of calendar days completed in the period of enrollment) will be retained on the student’s behalf. Any aid unearned will be returned to the Department of Education.
The Return of Federal Funds will be calculated based on the date you begin the official withdrawal process (by notifying the Registrar’s Office), the last date of documented attendance or for an unofficial withdrawal, the mid-point of the term or the last documented date of attendance.
If a student withdraws from school on or before the 60% point in the term, then the school and possibly the student shall return the percentage of unearned Title IV federal financial aid.
The following distribution of returned funds is as follows
1) Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
2) Federal GradPlus Loan
3) State, Private or Institutional Aid
4) The student
A “Refund” – refers to the calculation of institutional charges and is a separate calculation from the Return of Federal Funds calculation. The amount of refundable institutional charges (tuition and residential/non-residential fees) will be prorated based on school policy. Please refer to the Refundable Tuition and Fee Policy found in the Course Catalog and Student Handbook. If there is a balance due by the student as a result of the unearned financial aid being returned, the student will be responsible for the payment of the difference. For specific questions of the Return of Federal, Funds Policy contact the Office of Financial Aid.
Withdraw policy – As defined by the Registrar Office
Official withdrawal (i.e. a withdrawal form is completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office) is the date the Registrar’s Office receives a withdrawal form. This form is date stamped upon it’s submission, the separation date is the last date of attendance (i.e. the last day of the quarter if the student completed the quarter or the day the form is submitted during the quarter) both dates are recorded. If a student does not register or submit a Leave of Absence (LOA), the Registrar reports the student as inactive and the withdrawal date is the last date of attendance (usually the last day of the previous quarter). See Student Handbook for more information.
Return of Title IV Funds
The Registrar’s Office using an electronic Enrollment Status Change notification system notifies the Office of Financial Aid of a student’s official or inactive status. Upon receipt of the Enrollment Status Change, students are sent an Exit Counseling notification within 2-3 business days, not to exceed 30 days. Office of Financial Aid requests the student’s ledger, and an R2T4 is conducted.
Post-Withdrawal Disbursements
R2T4 calculations are reviewed and confirmed by the Director of Financial Aid and Student Accounts Manager within 2-3 business days, not to exceed 30, if the calculation results in a post-withdrawal disbursement (eligible aid that could have been disbursed prior to the withdrawal), the student is sent an email notification of aid that can be disbursed. The post-Withdrawal notification includes instructions on how to accept or deny aid earned with a timeline of 14 calendar days. Upon the student’s confirmation, aid is either disbursed or returned to Title IV. The student is notified with a final copy of the R2T4 calculation, student account breakdown, and an R2T4 letter, not to exceed 30 days.
Posting of Credit Balance on Student Account
If an R2T4 calculation results in a credit balance, the credit amount is refunded to the student immediately within 2-3 business days, not to exceed 14 days. With the exception if the student has submitted an official request to the Student Accounts Department to have the credit be applied to future fees. Contact Student Accounts for more information.
Unearned Aid that Student is Responsible to Repay
Students are notified by email within 2-3 days, not to exceed 30, of the R2T4 calculation and all other current aid received within the academic year. Which could include unearned aid that the institution does not require to return to the Department of Education (ED) under Section 8 of ED’s R2T4 calculation worksheet – as stated STEP 8: Repayment of the Student’s loans. These loans consist of loans the student has earned or unearned loan funds the school is not responsible for repaying. They are repaid to the loan holders according to the terms of the borrower’s promissory note.
Institutional Refunds
You have the right to cancel your agreement for a program of instruction, without any penalty or obligations, through attendance at the first class session or the seventh calendar day after enrollment, whichever is later. After the end of the cancellation period, you also have the right to stop school at any time; and you have the right to receive a pro rata refund if you have completed 60 percent or less of the scheduled days in the current payment period in your program through the last day of attendance.
Refundable Tuition Policy
Students withdrawing or taking a leave of absence from Pacifica or dropping a course: To be eligible for a refund of tuition, timely written notification must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar as specified below. The date of withdrawal or Leave of Absence or dropping a course will be determined by the date written notification is received by the Office of the Registrar. A student’s withdrawal may be effectuated by such written notice or by the student’s conduct, including but not necessarily limited to, a student’s lack of attendance. If you withdraw or file a Leave of Absence or drop a course from Pacifica after instruction has begun, you will receive a partial refund of the Tuition charges as stated below:
“Per unit Tuition calculation”: the Tuition for the specific quarter, program, and academic year, divided by the number of units offered in that specific quarter and program. For newly admitted students, a $250.00 deposit is non-refundable; otherwise the refund policy below applies.
Time frame – Standard Academic Quarters, 10-12 Weeks
On or before the first day of class of the quarter | 100% |
7th Day After Enrollment Date | 100% |
Day 2 to day 7* | 80% |
Day 8 to day 14* | 70% |
Day 15 to day 21* | 60% |
Day 22 to day 28* | 50% |
Day 29 to day 35* | 40% |
Day 36 to day 42* | 30% |
After day 42* | 0% |
*Unless 7 days or fewer after the Enrollment Agreement is signed |
Time frame – Abbreviated Academic Quarters, 4-5 Weeks (Summer Quarter Only)
On or before the first day of class of the quarter | 100% |
7th Day After Enrollment Date | 100% |
Day 2 to day 7* | 70% |
Day 8 to day 14* | 60% |
Day 15 to day 21* | 50% |
After day 21* | 0% |
*Unless 7 days or fewer after the Enrollment Agreement is signed | |
Tracks X, N and ZZ follow Standard Academic year-round |
Refundable Residential/Non-Residential Fee Policy:
In order to be eligible for a refund, written notification must be submitted to the Guest Services Department at least five (5) days prior to the start date of on-site instruction. If a student attends any portion of the quarterly on-site session and then withdraws, takes a Leave of Absence, or drops courses from Pacifica, a Residential/Non-Residential refund will only apply to subsequent sessions in that quarter and not the session during which the student withdraws, takes a Leave of Absence, or drops courses. If the school cancels or discontinues an on-site course, you will receive a prorated refund of the fee.
For Students Who Have Received Federal Student Financial Aid:
If a student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of monies not paid from federal student financial aid program funds on the same basis as provided above.
a. Student: You have the right to terminate this Agreement by submitting written notification of your withdrawal to the Office of the Registrar. Tuition and fees may be refundable in accordance with the Refundable Tuition and Res/Non-Residential Fee policy.
b. Pacifica: Pacifica may terminate this Agreement at any time, if in Pacifica’s sole discretion, it determines that termination would be in the best interest of Pacifica for reasons it articulates in writing to the student. In that event, Pacifica may refund to you an amount in accordance with the Refundable Tuition and Res./Non-Residential Fee policy.
Details of the Return of Federal Funds Policy are available in the Office of Financial Aid . Details of the Refund Policy are available in the Student Accounts Office. Or also refer to the signed Enrollment Agreement completed upon acceptance.