Mary Watkins
- Ph.D., Clinical and Developmental Psychology, Clark University
- Licensed Psychologist, CA
Mary is chair of the Depth Psychology Program, Co-Chair of the Community, Liberation, Indigenous, and Eco- Psychologies Specialization (CLIE), and Coordinator of Community and Ecological Fieldwork and Research in CLIE. She was trained as a clinical and developmental psychologist and was an early member of the archetypal/imaginal psychology movement. She has worked in a wide variety of clinical settings and with groups on issues of peace, diversity, social justice, reconciliation, immigration, and the envisioning of community and cultural transformation. She is the author of Waking Dreams, Invisible Guests: The Development of Imaginal Dialogues, Mutual Accompaniment and the Creation of the Commons, co-author of Toward Psychologies of Liberation, Talking with Young Children about Adoption, and Up Against the Wall: Re-Imagining the U.S.-Mexico Border, and co-editor of Psychology and the Promotion of Peace. Please find Dr. Watkins’ publications available for download here. Courses Taught: Public Conversation, Phenomenology and Communication of Depth Psychological Cultural and Ecological Fieldwork, Psychologies of Liberation, Hermeneutic and Phenomenological Traditions, Liberatory Pedagogies, Community/Ecological Fieldwork, Community Dreamwork, Crafting Generative Questions.
Depth and Liberation Psychologies- Watkins, M. (2012). Notes from a Visit to Several Zapatista Communities: Toward Practices of Nomadic Identity and Hybridity. Psychological Studies. 57 (1), 1-8.
- Watkins, M. (2012). Shipwreck and Revolution: The Occupy Movement from the Perspective of James Hillman’s Work. In J. Shapiro, R. Partridge (Eds.), Occupy psyche: Jungian and archetypal perspectives on a movement. (pp. 37-45). Philadelphia, PA: Techné and Poiésis.
- Watkins, M. (2012). Revolutionary Leadership: From Paulo Freire to the Occupy Movement, Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 4, 2.
- Watkins, M. & Ciofalo, N. (2011). Creating and Sharing Critical Community Psychology Curriculum for the 21st Century. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 2(2), 9-18.
- Watkins, M. (2006). Sketches for the “recovery of night vision”: Re-Orienting depth psychology to engage the inconvenient truths of the 21st century. (unpublished)
- Lorenz, H. & Watkins, M. (2003). Depth psychology and colonialism: Individuation, seeing-through, and liberation: Quadrant, 33, 11–32.
- Watkins, M. (2003). Toward splendid cities. (unpublished)
- Lorenz, H. & Watkins, M. (2002). Depth psychology and colonialism: Individuation, Seeing-through, and liberation. In D. Slattery & L. Corbett (Eds), Psychology at the threshold. Carpinteria, CA: Pacifica Graduate Institute Publications.
- Lorenz, H. & Watkins, M. (2001). Silenced knowings, forgotten springs: Paths to healing in the wake of colonialism. Radical Psychology: A Journal of Psychology, Politics, and Radicalism,2,2 (online journal).
- Watkins, M. (2002). Waking up: Depth Psychology and Terrorism, Psychological Perspectives, 44, 14-24.
- Watkins, M.(2002). Notes from a visit to Chiapas: Toward Practices of Nomadic identity and hybridity. (unpublished)
- Watkins, M. (2000). Seeding liberation: A dialogue between depth psychology and liberation psychology. In D. Slattery & L. Corbett (Eds), Depth psychology: Meditations in the field (pp. 204-225). Einsiedeln, SW: Daimon Verlag.
- Watkins, M. (1998). Foreword to Richard Frankel’s The adolescent psyche: Jungian and Winnicottian Perspectives (pp. xi-xiii). London: Routledge.
- Watkins, M. (1997). The practice of liberation, Pacifica Newsletter.
- Watkins, M. (1992). Perestroika of the self: Dreaming in the U.S.S.R. Dreaming, 2, 2, 111-122.
- Watkins, M. (1992). From individualism to interdependence: Changing paradigms in psychotherapy.Psychological Perspectives, 27, 52–69.
- Watkins, M. (1990). Mother and child: Some teachings of desire. In P. Berry Hillman (Ed.), Mothers and fathers (pp. 120-135). Dallas: Spring Publications.
- Watkins, M. (1988). “Imagination and peace: On the inner dynamics of promoting peace activism,Journal of Social Issues, 44, 2, 39-58.
- Watkins, M. (1985). Moral Imagination and peace activism: Discerning the inner voices.” Psychological Perspectives, 16, 1, 77-93.
- Watkins, M. (1984). “In dreams begin responsibilities”: Moral imagination and peace action. In E. Mc Coneghey & J. Mc Connell (Eds.), Nuclear Reactions. Albuquerque: Image Seminars.
- Watkins, M. (1984). Thinking about the future in a nuclear world. In E. Mc Coneghey & J. Mc Connell (Eds.), Nuclear Reactions. Albuquerque: Image Seminars.
- Watkins, M. (2009). Restorative Practices in Small Group and Individual Work. In G. Nelson & I. Prelliltensky (Eds.), Community psychology, 2nd edition (pp. 219-236). NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Watkins, M. (2005). Restorative practices in small group and individual work. In G. Nelson and I. Prelliltensky (Eds.), Community psychology edition. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Watkins, M. (2003). Dialogue, development, and liberation. In I. Josephs (Ed.) Dialogicality in development (pp. 87-109).Westport, CT: Greenwood.
- Watkins, M. (2000). On “”holding holy converse’ with the stranger: The development of the capacity for dialogue.” Afterword to Third Edition of Invisible Guests.Woodstock, CI’: Spring Publications.
- Watkins, M. (1999). Pathways between the multiplicities of psyche and culture: The development of dialogical capacities. In J. Rowan & M. Cooper (Eds), The plural self: Multiplicity in everyday life (pp. 254-267). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Watkins, M. (2009). Creating restorative ecopsychological practices. In L. Buzzell and C. Chalquist (Eds),Ecotherapy: Healing with nature in mind (pp. 219-236). San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.
- Bradshaw, G.A., Watkins, M. (2006). Transpecies psychology: Theory and praxis. Spring 75, Psyche and Nature, 69-94.
- Watkins, M. (2008). “Breaking the Vessels'”: Archetypal Psychology and the Restoration of Community, Ecology, and Culture.” In S. Marlan (ed), Archetypal psychologies: Reflections in honor of James Hillman edition (pp. 414-437). New Orleans: Spring Books and Journals.
- Watkins, M. (2004). Liberating soul sparks: Psyche, classroom, and community. In A. Dalke & B. Dixson (Eds), Minding the light: A collection of Quaker pedagogies edition (pp. 23-42). NY:Peter Lang.
- Watkins, M. (2011). The Shame of Forcibly Displacing Others: 9/11 and the Criminalization of Immigration. American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies, 10, 2.
- Watkins, M. (2007). Psyches and cities of hospitality in an era of forced migration: The shadows of slavery and conquest on the “immigration” debate. Spring 78, 177-201.
- Watkins, M. (2009). Healing and the half-dream. San Francisco Medicine: Journal of the San Francisco Medical Society, 82(2).
- Watkins, M. (1997). Six approaches to the image in art therapy. In B. Sells (Ed.), Working With Images: The Theoretical Base of Archetypal Psychology (pp. 186-207). Woodstock, CT: Spring Publications.,
- Watkins, M. (1987). “In dreams begin responsibilities”: Moral imagination and peace action. In V. Andrews, R. Bosnak & K.W. Goodwin (Eds.), Facing Apocalypse (pp. 72-95). Dallas: Spring Publications.
- Watkins, M. (1983). “The characters speak because they want to speak.” Spring 1983.Dallas; Spring Publications.
- Watkins, M. (1981). Six approaches to the image in art therapy. Spring 1981. Dallas: Spring Publications.
- Watkins, M. (1974). Waking dreams in European psychotherapy. Spring 1974. Zurich: Spring Publications, 33-57.
- Watkins, M. (2005). Adoption and identity: Nomadic possibilities for reconceiving the self. In K. Wegar (Ed.), Adoptive families in a diverse society (pp. 259-274). Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
- Watkins, M. (2002). Lessons from Proteus, Adopted Families.
- Watkins, M., Fisher, S. (2000). Talking with young children about adoption, Adoptive Families, 24-28.
- Watkins, M., Rosenthal, L. (2000). Homecoming and the making of friends: Traveling to one’s birthcountry, Adoptive Families, 22-23.
- Garcia-Coll, C., Surrey, J., Watkins, M., Weingarten, K. (1998). Introduction, Mothering against the odds: Diverse voices of contemporary motherhood (pp. 1-14). New York: Guilford Press.
- Smith, B., Surrey, J., Watkins, M. (1998). “Real” mothers: Adoptive Mothers Resisting Marginalization and Re-Creating Motherhood. In C. Garcia-Coll, J. Surrey, K.Weingarten (Eds.), Mothering against the odds: Diverse voices of contemporary motherhood (pp. 194-214). New York: Guilford Press.
- Watkins, M. (1997). Talking with young children about adoption, Adoptive Families, 30, 4, 8-12.
- Watkins, M. (2003). Afghan Refugee Girls’ School: Prophetic dreaming and moral pilgrimage, Among Friends, Santa Barbara Friends Meeting Newsletter (July).
- Watkins, M. (1989). Worldly desires: From “the teacher within”‘ to the “world as teacher,” Proceedings of the Friends Association for Higher Education, Swarthmore College.
- Watkins, M. (1988). The image of the activist in psychological research, Conference on Quaker Studies on Human Betterment, Proceedings, Swarthmore College