Dissertation Oral Defenses
The purpose of this qualitative, hermeneutic dissertation and depth psychological inquiry is to explore the relationship between the idea of the lumen naturae, the light of nature, and the sacred feminine within selected literature by the 16th century Swiss alchemist and doctor, Paracelsus, and the 19th and 20th century Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung. The…
This hermeneutic research envisions an archetypal therapy for issues of guilt and justice as they appear in marital counseling. It will consider as a mythic background for guilt in marital counseling the trial of Orestes as it is dramatized in Aeschylus’s The Eumenides, a trial arranged by the goddess Athena to adjudicate the competing claims…
This depth psychologically oriented study utilized interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) to explore covert aggression and abuse of power by women in the workplace in the United States. The research sought to understand if gender stereotypes might obscure female-to-female abuse in the workplace, identify social factors that might exacerbate such hostility, explore individual and interpersonal factors…
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a global crisis, impacting up to 20.1% of mothers during pregnancy (Gazmararian et al., 1996), and it has clinical and social implications for women, children, families, and communities (Cook & Bewley, 2008). Experiencing IPV while pregnant can negatively influence the foundational mechanisms of human emotional relationships (Levendosky, Bogat, & Huth-Bocks,…
Arts-based research is an emergent research paradigm that utilizes poiesis, or knowledge making through creating, as a core feature. Arts-based research is not a centralized or standardized paradigm but instead has multiple, fluid epistemologies and methodologies, which can pose challenges for arts-based researchers to be taken seriously in positivist-dominated academic institutions. This research engages in…
According to James Sire, a worldview is based on a set of presuppositions about the nature of the world, the universe, and our place in it. C. G. Jung and physicist David Bohm both argued that one of the primary problems facing individuals today arises from the mechanistic, materialistic worldview currently permeating the collective in…
In this study, the potential spiritual dimensions of underground disco are hermeneutically examined, compared, and contrasted with the philosophies and spiritual techniques of alchemy, gnosticism, hermetism, and tantra, particularly as they relate to the theories of C. G. Jung with special regard to the phenomenology of the psyche according to which processes of psychospiritual transformation…
Ceremonial offerings made by pre-Hispanic Mexica-Aztecs to gods and deceased loved ones once created a living spiritual community. These powerful, artistic rituals symbolized earth’s life-giving force, as the souls of the dead were invited to join the living in vigils of communion. In return, the dead offered protection to the living and prosperity in families,…
This research studies the elements needed for the transformation of modern Western consciousness as theorized by depth psychologists C. G. Jung, Marie-Louise von Franz, James Hillman, and Marion Woodman. Through a comparative analysis, this research argues that a model utilizing key components from each theorist may provide a better-suited, more stable, unified consciousness to those…
The purpose of this study was to review the work of depth psychologist C. G. Jung and theoretical physicist Basarab Nicolescu, and to compare and analyze their engagement with the concept of the opposites. The principle of opposition is essential to Jung’s point of view—and can be found in his theory of the transcendent function,…
Inspired by the Delphic maxim “know thyself,” this hermeneutic study expands upon Jung’s research on oracular collaboration with the unconscious. Depth, transpersonal, eco-spiritual, and relational psychologies are compared with modern and ancient oracular tools, texts, and methods to describe how oracular inquiry serves the individuation process. Four themes emerged in the analysis. First, oracular inquiry…
This dissertation presents a critical examination of the pervasive purity culture within evangelical Christianity, highlighting its intrinsic ties to misogyny, patriarchy, and institutionalized abstinence-only education. By delving into the historical contexts of gender and sexuality in ancient Israelite and Greco-Roman societies, and deconstructing biblical narratives concerning women, this study reveals how purity culture manipulates Christian…
This dissertation calls for a reassessment of the serpent’s role in the Garden of Eden story, proposing that traditional interpretations emphasizing seduction and disobedience overlook the serpent’s potential as an agent of creation and a catalyst for the birth of consciousness. The fundamental tension between the chaos introduced by the serpent and the order maintained…
Throughout the ages, humankind has continuously explored the unseen world in an attempt to make sense of the mysterious cosmos and our place within it (Eliade, 1964/1992; Lockhart, 2010; Tarnas, 2006). Standing upon the shoulders of ancient philosophical and spiritual traditions, Jungian depth psychology and energy healing therapy alike engage with this subtle world based…
What we are witnessing on college and university campuses today threatens institutional values of open inquiry and critical thinking. As a unique and vital part of society, institutions of higher education were once viewed as laboratories for ideas. Today’s display of intellectual intolerance, hostile discourse, and stifled free speech in the name of “safety” threaten…
This Jungian arts-based research (JABR) engages a dream image with the Jungian process of active imagination to weave a tapestry, retrieving image-symbols from the cultural unconscious. Hermeneutic amplification of these image-symbols reveals, explores, and challenges a cultural complex woven into the fabric of the U.S. public school system. The research exposes two areas of what…
Alienation from nonhuman nature has severe clinical implications. Both depth psychologists and ecopsychologists have called for therapeutic approaches that reorient Westerners to the more-than-human world and their fundamental relatedness in it. This study presents the Jungian notion of individuation as one such deeply relational framework with reconnective potential, and it explores the individuating practice of…
This dissertation delves into unhoused women’s experience of artmaking in community at the Downtown Women’s Center (DWC), Skid Row, Los Angeles, California, USA. Weekly mixed media workshops were held to explore the women’s experiences and any potential benefits. The study integrated mindfulness and art-based heuristic inquiry framed by nondualism which is grounded in interconnection and…
Yogic teachings depict the aim of life as reuniting with Spirit, and Paramahansa Yogananda (1982, 1995, 2011) expounded on the deep meaning of living one’s life in this way. Although the practice of meditation has been shown to allow for greater access to experience outside of functional ego consciousness (Bruce et al., 2010; Nanda, 2005;…
Tupac Amaru Shakur, the celebrated icon of hip-hop music and film, who was tragically murdered in 1996, is widely recognized as a sociocultural and artistic phenomenon. As a means of exploring the archetypal themes present in Shakur’s life and personality, this hermeneutic study analyzes Shakur’s artistic output, including his songs, poems, interviews, texts, and film…