Dissertation Title:
Finding Home: An Autoethnographic Exploration of the Internal and External Journey
Elizabeth Altman
Date, Time & Place:
February 20, 2025 at 10:00 am
The psychological phenomenon of homesickness affects individuals everywhere, regardless of geography or culture. Following an autoethnographic method, this investigation deepens understanding of homesickness not only through personal understanding, but also in terms of understanding the factors that tie one’s sense of home, self, and belonging together. Through attachment theory, environmental psychology, and German Romanticism, the author engaged with the homesickness narrative, which through retelling became a narrative of inquiry. This study qualitatively sought to fill the existing gap in the literature that juxtaposes the ideas of physical displacement and the existential longing for safety, connection, and self-understanding. Autoethnography enabled studying the phenomena of homesickness by analyzing themes of vulnerability, impermanence, and resilience as they manifest across individual self-narratives and artifacts. Research questions asked about dealing with homesickness, cultural signs, and everyday personal items creating a sense of belonging or of being home. Also investigated was the role of meditation in creating an “inner home” that neutralizes the disturbing effects of physical or emotional displacement. Findings suggested meditation can help individuals alter their perception of homesickness as suffering and embrace it as growth in their character, strength, and healing. Although autoethnography provided insight into the subjective experience of homesickness, the work also had implications for psychological and therapeutic models that deal with displacement and belonging. Contributions extended to psychology, human geography, and cultural studies in that they explained how the quest for a place to call home affects the person’s mental health and the culture of the society.
- Program/Track/Year: Clinical Psychology with Emphasis in Depth Psychology, A, 2018
- Chair: Dr. Jeffrey Grant
- Reader: Dr. Mark Montijo
- External Reader: Dr. Joseph Tarantino
- Keywords: Home, Homesickness, Autoethnography, Belonging, Meditation, Identity, Trauma, Nonhuman Environment, German Romanticism, Attachment Theory