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The Seminars prepare students for applied clinical work in practicum and internship sites. The seminars serve as a context for students to be mentored into the profession by the Clinical Psychology Faculty, through a seminar format wherein students learn from the clinical expertise of the faculty. Seminars are also designed to offer students a forum in which to integrate clinical experiences gained in practicum with their academic coursework.


Professional Development Seminar I CL 755, 1 unit

In this initial seminar of the first-year series, students will be asked to develop educational and career goals as well as strategies toward becoming licensed as psychologists. Professional values, attitudes and behaviors are emphasized. Students will begin the process of developing a professional identity as a clinical psychologist, the needed interpersonal and emotional capacities vital to the discipline, and the importance of organizational knowledge about mental health systems and licensure. Topics covered in this seminar include an overview of Pacifica’s clinical psychology training program, the professional identity of a clinical psychologist, and the career path to licensure. Ethical, legal, and professional behavior and attitudes within the context of working with diverse clients and communities are emphasized.


Professional Development Seminar II CL 756, 1 unit

Students will continue the process of developing a professional identity as a clinical psychologist, the needed interpersonal and emotional capacities vital to the discipline, and the importance of organizational knowledge about mental health systems and licensure. Planned topics include basic psychotherapeutic processes and interview skills, including multicultural competencies. A practicum application workshop will also be included in this seminar. Professional values, attitudes and behaviors within the context of working with diverse clients and communities are emphasized.


Professional Development Seminar III CL 757, 1 unit

The final seminar in the first-year series is intended to introduce the student to professional practice as a clinical psychologist, and to prepare the student to begin applied clinical work in a field practicum setting in the 2nd year. The seminar will include topics of the public mental health care system, levels of care, ethical and legal issues, career planning, and self-care. Professional values, attitudes and behaviors are emphasized. Ethical and legal standards in the field are specifically addressed.


1st Year Annual Assessment for Program Advancement CL 758, 0 units

In this module, each student will have a face-to-face evaluation by Clinical Psychology Faculty to assess academic, clinical, and research as well as professional values, attitudes and behaviors in order to advance to the second year of the clinical program and to a Supervision Practicum. Pass/No Pass. No Incompletes.


Supervision Practicum Seminar I: Assessment and Diagnosis CL 759, 1 unit

This seminar is designed to assist students in the integration of clinical training and issues at their practicum sites with the academic coursework at Pacifica. Professional values, attitudes and behaviors continue to be highlighted. Students specifically focus on examining and applying varied methods of assessment and diagnosis relevant for case formulation and treatment planning. Ethical and cultural aspects of clinical practice and supervision are emphasized. Prerequisite: CL 758, no incompletes.


Supervision Practicum Seminar II: Assessment and DiagnosisCL 760, 1 unit

This seminar continues assisting students in the ongoing integration of clinical training and issues at their practicum sites with coursework at Pacifica. Students specifically focus on examining and applying varied methods of assessment and diagnosis relevant for case formulation and treatment planning. The students discuss issues related to affective regulation, therapeutic communication, symptomology, and function of defenses as part of therapeutic assessment and diagnosis. Communication and interpersonal skills are specifically highlighted and examined. Ethical and cultural aspects of clinical practice and supervision are emphasized. Prerequisite: CL 758, no Incompletes.


Supervision Practicum Seminar III: Assessment and Diagnosis CL 761, 1 unit

This seminar completes the second-year diagnostic practicum sequence. It offers students a forum by which to further integrate clinical training and issues at their practicum site with academic coursework at Pacifica. Issues of transference and countertransference, boundaries, and projective functions are discussed. Students specifically focus on examining and applying varied methods of applying scholarship on relational dynamics in assessment and diagnosis relevant for case formulation and treatment planning. Communication and interpersonal skills are specifically highlighted and examined. Ethical and cultural aspects of clinical practice and supervision are emphasized. Prerequisite: CL 758, no Incompletes.


2nd Year Annual Assessment for Program Advancement CL 762, 0 units

In this assessment, each student will be evaluated with focus on case formulation, conceptualization, academic and interpersonal functioning to assure readiness to perform in the advanced practicum. Professional values, attitudes and behaviors as well as communication and interpersonal skills are reviewed. Pass/No Pass Prerequisite: CL 758. No Incompletes.


Psychotherapy Practicum Seminar I: Effective Psychological Interventions CL 763, 1 unit

This seminar offers students a forum in which to integrate psychotherapy experiences of practicum with academic coursework at Pacifica. This seminar will include topics on empathy and attunement to affect, relational function, managing boundaries in psychotherapy, and evidence-based practices. Professional values, attitudes and behaviors as well as relational skills continue to be highlighted. Prerequisite: CL 762.


Psychotherapy Practicum Seminar II: Effective Psychological Interventions CL 764, 1 unit

This seminar offers students an additional forum in which to integrate psychotherapy experiences of practicum with academic coursework at Pacifica. Scheduled topics include contemporary scholarship in regard to effectiveness and application of imaginal techniques in therapy, use of dreams, the therapeutic frame, transference/countertransference, and continued discussion of appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Professional values, attitudes and behaviors as well as relational skills continue to be highlighted. Prerequisite: CL 762


Psychotherapy Practicum Seminar III: Effective Psychological Interventions CL 765, 1 unit

This seminar is the final seminar in psychotherapy; it provides students a last forum in which to integrate psychotherapy experiences of practicum with academic coursework at Pacifica. Scheduled topics include contemporary scholarship on importance of active listening, making interpretations, additional consideration of boundaries in psychotherapy, and issues related to the development of clinical practice. Professional values, attitudes and behaviors as well as relational skills continue to be highlighted. Prerequisite: CL 762


3rd Year Annual Assessment for Program Advancement CL 766, 0 units

In this module, each student will have a written evaluation by Clinical Psychology Faculty to assess academic, clinical, and research progress in order to advance to the fourth year of the clinical psychology program. Pass/No Pass. No Incompletes.



These classes stimulate dialogue among the traditions of clinical psychology, depth psychology, and cultural studies. The student is encouraged to understand that a wide variety of cultural sources inform the craft of psychotherapy. Literature, myth, history, and art infuse the science of clinical psychology with an essential sense of our connection to the recurring archetypal motifs of the psyche. The Clinical Practice courses provide a broad foundation for the development of a generalist practitioner, with diverse training in multiple psychotherapeutic orientations, assessment, supervision, consultation, and evidence-based approaches.


Jungian-Based Psychotherapy I: Personality Structure and Function CP 810, 2 units

Classical and contemporary scholarship on Jungian concepts related to personality structure and function such as ego, Self, persona, shadow, anima/animus, archetype, collective unconscious, transcendent function, and individuation are studied. Clinical application of Jungian thought is demonstrated through theoretical discussions, case examples, and the reading of primary sources. Particular attention is brought to understanding how various forms of psychopathology can be imagined as manifestations of ego-Self axis dynamics. Critiques from postmodern and multicultural perspectives are covered.


History of Depth Psych & the Human Science Traditions CL 819, 2 units

This course is a scholarly historical introduction to the theories and traditions of depth psychology with an emphasis on the role that depth psychology attributes to the unconscious. Exploration of the sociocultural contexts of depth psychology in relation to myth, religion, philosophy, art and literature is explored. Particular attention is given to the historical origins of depth psychology in the works of Sigmund Freud and C.G. Jung, the traditions that followed, as well as contemporary developments in depth psychology.


Psychoanalytic-Based Psychotherapy I: Developmental Perspectives CP 711, 2 units

This course focuses on the fundamental assumptions underlying psychoanalytic treatment beginning with the seminal contribution of Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalytic scholarship related to issues of human development is reviewed. The establishment of the therapeutic frame and the building of a therapeutic alliance are examined in light of developmental trajectories. Students explore the complexities of the transference-countertransference field and develop an understanding and rationale of specific types of psychoanalytic interventions within developmental psychoanalytic framework.


Psychoanalytic-Based Psychotherapy II: Personality and Psychopathology CP 712, 2 units

This course continues examining psychoanalytic theory and practice, including a scholarly focus on individual personality and psychopathology considerations. In particular, the course emphasizes the contributions of classic and contemporary Object Relations and interpersonal psychoanalytic scholars who helped delineate the dynamics and treatment of severe forms of psychopathology related to such personality conditions as borderline, narcissistic, and psychotic. In addition to advanced conceptualization and diagnosis skills, students will examine psychoanalytic theories that address working with complex affective and cognitive states. Prerequisite: CP 711


Archetypal Psychology I: Social Basis of Human Experience CP 840, 2 units

This course formulates a differentiated understanding of archetypal psychology as exemplified in the works of James Hillman. “Archetypal psychology,” according to Hillman, “can be seen as a cultural movement part of whose task is the re-visioning of psychology, psychopathology, and psychotherapy in terms of the Western cultural imagination.” The theory and practice of archetypal psychology will be critically engaged by way of an in depth examination of seminal texts and key themes including soul, imagination, psychologizing, the anima mundi, polytheism, pathologizing, and character. Hillman’s contributions to critical and multicultural social psychology will be highlighted, including his concepts in regard to group behavior, social identity formation, and the complex interactions between the individual and the society.


Jungian-Based Psychotherapy II: Affect, Mind, and Psyche CP 811, 2 units

This course will expand consideration of classical Jungian scholarship related to theories of affect and cognition (mind) such as the individuated ego, personal and collective shadow, the contra-sexual archetypes anima/animus, manifestations of the Self, dreams and numinous experiences, and their application to clinical practice. In addition, personality typology will be examined, archetypal patterns explored, and the use of myths in depth psychotherapy elaborated. Affective (emotions) and cognitive (mindful processing) applications of Jungian approaches to psychotherapy are presented. Students will also continue to engage in self-reflection to further their individuation process as central to their work as clinical depth psychologists. Prerequisite: CP 810


Post-Jungian Psychotherapy: Biological, Ecological, and Cultural Systems CP 745, 2 units

This course examines the scholarly works of post-Jungian theorists and psychotherapists who contributed to the development of Jungian/Post-Jungian psychotherapy and scholarship. The course discusses recent developments in the evolution of Jungian thought and practice, which includes multicultural, alchemical, somatic, and ecological considerations. Interactions between biological sciences, specifically contemporary neuropsychological developments, complexity theory, and biological systems theories are emphasized. The importance of myths, fairytales, the mystery traditions and various cultural mythologies are discussed in relation to their applicability to culturally relevant clinical practice. Students are asked to engage in self-reflection to further their individuation process as central to their work as clinical and depth psychologists. Prerequisites: CP 810, CP 811.


Archetypal Psychology II: Personality, Psychopathology, and Culture CP 814, 2 units

Archetypal psychology is attentive to the imaginal process of psychotherapy and to the experience of being a depth psychotherapist. Within this approach, issues such as transference, countertransference, the unconscious, symptoms, and dreams are examined. Special attention is paid to the development of those imaginal capabilities which foster sensitivity to the symbolic depths and metaphorical richness of the patient’s and therapist’s ways of using language. Developmental, cognitive, biological, and affective aspects of archetypal psychology’s approach to psychotherapy are emphasized. Diversity and sociocultural considerations are discussed in these contexts.


Phenomenological Psychology: Theory and Practice CL 917, 2 units

This course provides a detailed theoretical and historical introduction to the clinical practice and research orientation of phenomenological psychology. Topics to be investigated include: the nature of psychological life; the structure of thought, emotion, and embodiment; the character of psychopathology; and the dynamics of psychotherapy. Phenomenological understandings of freedom, engagement, and meaning will be explored in light of their relationship to existential philosophy, and in critical dialogue with both natural science psychology and depth psychology.


Emergent Clinical and Social Theories in Depth Psychology CP 799, 2 units

This course utilizes a rotating schedule to introduce students to a wide range of topics relevant for psychological theory, practice and research with emphasis on theories critical to socio-political engagement and activism within and outside of clinical psychology. An interdisciplinary approach is applied to transformative practices, and community, diversity, and cultural issues. The goal of each course is to engage the students in a dialogue between their current clinical and research practices and depth psychological traditions that address vital global, community, and individual questions related to social justice and critical clinical care.


Affective Foundations of Human Behavior CL 838, 2 units

This course aims to provide an overview and clinical implications of understanding the development of affective regulation related to psychological functioning. In addition to discussing theories of emotions and emotional regulation, the course focuses on how capacity for affective self-regulation and communication is influential in intrapersonal and relational functioning of individuals and communities. Discussion of emotion involves the biological and social bases of emotion, its cognitive correlates, and the impact on emotional states. Specifically, the course emphasizes classic and contemporary psychoanalytic and Jungian literature on affect.


Cognitive Foundations of Human Behavior CL 837, 2 units

This course examines the interdependence of cognition and emotion in psychological experience and behavior. Discussion of this relationship includes the interactive influence of perception, attention, learning, memory, contextual appraisals and biases, emotional regulation, creative thinking, conscious and unconscious processing and problem solving. Related topics include sensation, perception, memory, cognition, emotion, motivation, and psychophysiological processes. Neuropsychoanalytic and complexity theories of cognitive experience are emphasized.


Indigenous Approaches to Psychology CP 803, 1 unit

The course will introduce students to indigenous approaches to psychology, which emphasize integration of culturally grounded healing practices as well as traditions that address the psychological, physical and spiritual challenges faced by diverse individuals, families, and communities. Integrative views on mind-body-spirit will be discussed. The course will review this history and current practices employed by indigenous healers both outside and inside the U.S. Plant based psychopharmacological interventions are discussed in context of indigenous healing practices .The efficacy of alternative healing traditions will be explored in the context of marginalization of diverse forms of knowledge as well as current psychological practices that embrace liberatory and decolonial indigenous traditions.


History and Systems of Psychology CP 700, 2 units

This course focuses on examination of the evolution of consciousness and mind-body approaches to understanding human experience as foundational to development of Western psychology. Critical and constructivist viewpoints on the development of Western psychotherapeutic modalities will be presented. Non-Western approaches to psychological phenomena will be emphasized. Specific attention will be given to historical and contemporary foundations of depth psychologies, including psychoanalysis, Jungian/analytic psychology, post-colonial and liberation approaches, phenomenology, and existentialism. Primary source reading is emphasized.


Psychological Assessment I CP 930, 2 units

The course focuses on the foundations of assessment practices in clinical practice, including integrative and multiculturally focused assessment strategies. Specifically, the course emphasizes cognitive and intellectual administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Wechsler intelligence scales including a depth psychology analysis of linguistic and imaginal activity, Wechsler Memory Scales-IV with analysis of working memory as a brain metaphor for Practical Hermeneutics, and the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test for it neuropsychological value as well as the opportunity to examine the lived imagination and phenomenological perspectives. Special emphasis will be placed on integrating the results with clinical judgment, report writing, evidence-based and imagination informed treatment planning, depth psychological perspectives, and communication of assessment results.


Psychological Assessment II CP 931, 2 units

Students will learn the principles of personality assessment and become familiar with, and learn how to administer, score, and interpret the MMPI-2, MCMI-III, CPI, PAI, MBTI, and BDI-II. Students will also be provided with an overview of neuropsychological assessment including interviewing, familiarity with common tests, and strategies of interpreting and integrating neuropsychological assessment data. A focus is given to integrating results into case-focused and issue oriented reports for clinical, vocational, medical, and forensic settings within a therapeutic assessment framework. Multicultural critique of assessment practices as well as their dialogue with depth psychological practices are emphasized.


Projective Personality Assessment CL 938, 1 unit

This course will focus on psychometric theory, controversies, and practical applications of Projective instruments with an emphasis on the Rorschach but will include the Thematic Appreciation Test, Sentence Completion Test, and projective drawings. Information derived from performance-based personality assessment will be used to develop case-focused reports that focus on clinically relevant personal, contextual, and emerging phenomena. An emphasis on using assessment results to enhance the therapeutic process utilizing evidence-based and imagination informed best practices is made. Prerequisite: CP 930, CP 931


Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice CP 832, 2 units

The ethical and legal considerations involved in the practice of clinical and scientific psychology are reviewed, with an emphasis on the American Psychological Association’s ethical guidelines as well as contemporary feminist and social justice critiques of Western ethics. Ethical Theory will be examined with emphasis on Ethical Subjectivity, The Ethics of Desire, and Ethical Foundations of Imaginal Psychology. The course features discussion of key issues involved in academic work, research, and professional practice with a view towards the development of ethical and professional judgment. Topics include forensic psychology, cultural competence, malpractice, and legal responsibilities, ethics as first philosophy, ethics and desire, and postmodern ethical practice. Child abuse treatment and reporting are discussed. This course meets the criteria set forth by the California Board of Psychology for training in Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice required for licensure.


Advanced Psychopathology I CP 730, 2 units

In the context of the historical and cross-cultural perspectives of psychopathology, students focus on scholarship related to the diagnosis, etiology, treatment, and prognosis of disturbed behavior. Developmental, relational, biological, socio-cultural, and political influences on human differences in functioning are emphasized.


Biological Foundations of Human Behavior CP 735, 2 units

Students examine the theoretical concepts and constructs that explain the phylogenic origins underlying human experience, behavior and the processes of change. This course reviews anatomical and neurological functioning, examining the importance on behavior of micro biological systems (neuron, synapse, neurotransmitter systems) and macro-level biological systems (central and autonomic nervous systems). Current trends in psychological research regarding the neurobiological foundation of consciousness, dreaming, sensory-motor systems, cognitions, motivation, memory mindfulness, and attention will be evaluated. The sense of a biological self in relation to attachment, trauma, empathy, neuroplasticity, and the expression of archetypes throughout the life cycle will be examined.


Alcohol, Chemical Dependency, and Addictive Behaviors CL 900, 2 units

This course covers the theory and treatment of addictive behaviors. Areas covered in this course include current theories of etiology, physiological and medical aspects of substance abuse and dependence, psychopharmacological and interaction of varied classes of drugs, dual-diagnosis, cultural and ethnic considerations, iatrogenic dependency, treatment approaches, differences in populations related to substance abuse, prenatal effects of abuse, implications for elderly clients, referral process, family issues, prevention and education, and ethical and legal issues. The course meets the criteria set forth by the California Board of Psychology for training in Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency Detection and Treatment required for licensure.


Principles of Psychopharmacology CP 873, 2 units

This course covers the general principles of psychopharmacology, as well as an overview of the pertinent neurochemistry. The indications and side effects of common psychoactive medications will be evaluated. Contemporary scholarship on plant based medicines and use of mood-altering substances in psychological treatment is introduced. The impact of medications on psychotherapy process and working with prescribing medical providers will be examined. Prerequisite: CP 735


Advanced Psychopathology II CP 731, 2 units

This course will focus on the depth psychologically informed diagnosis and conceptualization, including assessment of psychodynamics and treatment of psychopathology. Theories and applications of depth psychological personality theories with focus on disintegrated and disordered personality organizations will be emphasized. Severe forms of psychopathology such as borderline, narcissistic, hysterical, obsessive, and paranoid organizations of self and consciousness will be focused. Issues of negation, destructiveness, masochism, and narcissism will be studied in depth. Affective states such as envy, rage, shame, humiliation, and their relationship to early traumas and primitive mental states will be explored. Impairment in symbol formation, blank depression and difficulties in mourning will be studied in relation to psychopathology and its treatment. Prerequisite: CP 730


Evidence-Based Psychotherapies CL 912, 2 units

This course is an overview of clinical treatments in relation to their efficacy in treatment of psychological disorders. Methods of evaluations of the efficacy of interventions and their limits are discussed. The findings in outcome research regarding therapeutic interventions are evaluated and critiqued. Interventions or combinations of interventions for the major disorders are examined, as well as the integration of individual, group, and psychopharmacological therapies are discussed. Specific depth psychological evidence based approaches (e.g., brief dynamic psychotherapy, Mentalization, Transference-Based Psychotherapy) are emphasized.


Violence and Trauma: Developmental and Social Theories CP 834, 2 unit

The course will review the occurrence of violence in intimate relationships and families with special focus on partner and child abuse, detection, intervention and prevention. The intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics related to trauma and recovery will be discussed. The coursework also provides coverage of child and partner abuse assessment and reporting. The impact of early trauma, including splitting, dissociation, and interjection as well as depth psychological treatment approaches will be emphasized.


Gender and Human Sexuality CP 901, 1 unit

This course will focus on cultural, historical, theoretical and clinical constructions of gender and sexuality. Biological and psychological as well as socio-cultural variables associated with gender, sexual identity, sexual desire, sexual behavior and disorders are discussed. Feminist, critical, cross-cultural and depth psychological lens will be applied within the material. The course meets the criteria set forth by the California Board of Psychology for training in Human Sexuality required for licensure.


Psychotherapy with Diverse Populations CP 845, 2 units

This course integrates multicultural, cross-cultural, historical, and critical psychotherapeutic traditions with emphasis on depth psychological multicultural theories and practices. Historical and current systems of oppression as well as therapist unconscious biases and projections in traditional clinical theory and practice are discussed. Distinct traditions of clinical care with individuals of different cultural backgrounds are introduced. Depth psychological concepts, such as the notion of an ethnic or minority unconscious, collective trauma, cultural complex, and projections are also explored.


Developmental Psychology Through the Lifespan CP 830, 3 units

Students study developmental theories, constructs, research, and methods as they contribute to understanding normative culturally-contextual human development. Emphasis is on biological, psychological, and social development from conception through old age. The course addresses how issues of attachment and personality development shape psychological experience through the lifespan, and how depth psychological perspectives contribute to understanding these intrapsychic, intersubjective, and collective experiences and how they happen within a cultural context. Special focus is given to childhood experiences of violence and trauma, including reporting and treatment issues, and aging and longterm care as part of developmental human trajectory. Clinical implications, cultural considerations, and contemporary trends are examined.


Social Foundations of Human Behavior CL 800, 2 units

This course explores human science approaches in social psychology – hermeneutic, existential-phenomenological, depth psychological, social-constructionist, deconstructionist as alternatives to the conventional natural scientific orientation in the field. Social psychology is first situated in relation to a critical appraisal of the underlying philosophical assumptions, models of science, and disciplinary goals of both human science and natural science approaches. Additionally, psychological understandings of social influence are utilized in the analysis of contemporary relationship between self, others, and the world. Current research findings in human science social psychology are emphasized.


Principles of Clinical Supervision and Consultation CL 752, 1 unit

This course provides an exposure to theories, ethical standards, evaluation methods and professional roles of psychologists as supervisors and consultants. Approaches related to clinical supervision and consultation are examined with special attention paid to the interpersonal and psychodynamic aspects of the supervisor-supervisee interaction. The development of an “internal supervisor” is emphasized. Ethics, diversity, and other professional issues are examined.


Personal Psychotherapy CP 950, 0 units (Degree Requirement)

During the program, students must take part in a total of 60 hours of personal psychotherapy (preferably with a depth orientation) with a licensed psychotherapist or a certified analyst of their choice.



The program of study in research provides grounding in both quantitative and qualitative research traditions, while specializing in innovative human science methodologies addressing the multiple dimensions of psychological life. Research courses emphasize the complementary interdependence of clinical intervention and empirical inquiry, and provide the skills necessary to complete the doctoral dissertation as well as contribute to the academic field of clinical and depth psychology as a lifelong researcher.


Research Designs and Methodology III: Test and Measurement CP 934, 2 units

The course covers classical and current psychometric theory and procedures involved in constructing and evaluating measurement instruments in clinical psychology including the key concepts of scale development. Cronbach’s alpha, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, types of reliability and validity, multi-trait and multi-method validation, item response theory, psychometric scaling and structural equation modeling are examined. Prerequisites: CP 932.


Research Designs and Methodology I: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods CP 932, 2 units

The intent of this course is to foster an introductory knowledge of design and methodology in psychological research, including an understanding of the history, characteristics, and applications of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods designs. The theoretical frameworks, techniques, and critiques of a variety of research perspectives are surveyed, with a focus on the human science traditions. Additional issues discussed include positionality, reflexivity, ethics, diversity, postmodernism and critical theory, and the relationship between research and clinical practice. Research as a praxis for social engagement and social activism is emphasized.


Research Designs and Methodology II: Qualitative Methods of Analysis CP 933, 2 units

The course examines major empirical human science traditions, including phenomenology, narrative approaches, heuristic approaches, ethnography, grounded theory, action research and case study. Depth psychological approaches to qualitative empirical approaches are discussed. Theory and praxes of these approaches are covered, and students gain applied experience with a particular qualitative approach (i.e., phenomenology). Emphasis is given to ethics and diversity, as well as the parallels between research and clinical practice. Prerequisite: CP 932


Research Designs and Methodology III: Quantitative Design and Statistical Analysis CP 926, 3 units

This course provides an overview of univariate and multivariate statistical methods or those pertaining to analysis of a single, continuous, dependent variable. The goal of this overview is to prepare students to be competent and critical consumers of quantitative research for clinical practice. An applied overview of both descriptive and inferential statistics is provided. Topics covered include descriptive statistics, measures of linear relations; inferential statistics, multivariate analysis of variance and covariance, factor analysis, binary logistic regression, multiple regression, discriminant analysis, power, and meta-analysis. Prerequisite: CP 932


Depth Psychological Designs and Methods

The foundation for a complex psychological epistemology as an approach to research design that keeps soul in mind is introduced. Students dialogue with traditions of empirical psychology, depth psychology with particular emphasis on Jung‘s psychology, and phenomenology. The course articulates an ethical and therapeutic approach to research which takes into account dynamic unconscious factors in research. A key aim of the course is the development of critical scholarly attitudes that integrate attention to personal history and diverse cultures in research design and methods, as well as the connection of scholarship with the collective and ecological dimensions of experience.


Depth Psychological Methods II CL 929, 2 units

The vocational and transference dimensions of the research process are explored, and students practice psychological dialogues as a means to make more conscious their own unconscious transference to their material. In addition this course revisions the role of method as a metaphoric perspective and examines the ways in which various research methods, such as imaginal and archetypal approaches, relate to research topics and scholarly inquiry. Prerequisite: CL 928


Research Designs and Methodology IV: Advanced Qualitative Methods CL 940, 2 units

The course focuses on one or two of the major human science research methodologies, such as: phenomenology, hermeneutics, heuristic approaches, ethnography, grounded theory, biography, and case study. For example, theory and praxis of hermeneutics, with an emphasis on social constructionism/ philosophical hermeneutics and metabletics (investigation of historical changes) are covered in depth. Students gain extensive, hands-on experience with these particular qualitative approaches. Emphasis is given to ethics and diversity, as well as the parallels between research and clinical practice, as well as social psychological praxis.
Prerequisites: CP 932, CP 933, CP 934


Advanced Clinical Research Approaches and Dissertation Development I CP 961, 1 unit

This course focuses on the overview of clinical research practices in psychology, with specific emphases on the development of critical thinking skills, related to evaluating research studies and the writing of a doctoral dissertation in clinical psychology. Integration of human science and depth psychological research skills are examined and emphasized. No Incompletes


Advanced Clinical Research Approaches and Dissertation Development II CP 962, 2 units

This course continues addressing the knowledge, skills, and personal process involved with the development of clinical psychology research grounded in human sciences and depth psychological traditions. Scholarly and diversity issues relevant to advanced clinical research discussed. Students develop a draft of their concept paper related to the application of advanced research design to their doctoral dissertation. Prerequisite: CP 961. No Incompletes


Advanced Clinical Research Approaches and Dissertation Development III CP 963, 2 units

The last course in the sequence focuses on honing the advanced clinical research skills. Advanced discussions of human and natural scientific research designs are included. Advanced depth psychological research practices are emphasized with focus on ethics, professional development, and diversity. Students are required to apply their knowledge of advanced clinical research design through completion of a Concept Paper related to their dissertation. Prerequisites: CP 961, CP 962. No Incompletes


Dissertation Writing CP 990, 15 units

During this course, students assemble their dissertation committees, write their dissertation proposals, and complete the dissertation process. Students are required to complete all 15 units. This course may be taken concurrently with other courses. Additional fees are assessed for this course. Pass/No Pass


Comprehensive Exam Portfolio CP 989, 0 units

Upon completion of nine quarters of Ph.D. coursework, a student in good academic standing is eligible to take the Comprehensive Exam Portfolio. The Comprehensive Exam Portfolio is designed to assess student competencies in the area of each of the Program Domains with emphasis on depth psychological scholarship and clinical applications: Depth Psychological Clinical Practice and Depth Psychological Research and Scholarly Inquiry. Students must pass all components of the Comprehensive Exam Portfolio in order to advance in the Clinical Psychology Program to Dissertation Writing (CP 990) or Internship. Students must retake any failed portion of the Portfolio by the end of the fall quarter of the year in which the exam was administered. A student is eligible to take an academic tutorial in preparation for re-examination. If a student does not pass any aspect of the Comprehensive Exam Portfolio within two attempts he or she will be academically disqualified. Pass/No Pass. No Incompletes.


MA Qualifying Exam CP 890, 0 units

During the Spring quarter of the second year of coursework, students who have completed the previous six quarters of the first and second year of coursework take this exam in order to qualify for a Masters of Arts (MA) in Clinical Psychology with Emphasis in Depth Psychology and to continue to the doctoral phase of the program. The exam, which covers the content of the initial two years of coursework, takes place during Supervision Practicum Seminar III and runs concurrent with the Second Year Assessment for Program Advancement. Students must obtain an 80% or more on the exam in order to qualify to be awarded an incidental MA and to continue to the doctoral phase of the program. A student whose score is between 70% and 80% is permitted to retake the exam a single time to raise their score. If a student does not raise their score to an 80% or above, their degree is terminated at this stage. This exam is only one part of the requirements for the MA degree. Refer to the Course Catalog for further details regarding MA degree requirements. Prerequisite: CL 758