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Depth Psychology with Specialization in Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices Student Publication
Tran, M. (2024, August 28-30). Individual Presentation: Cultivating Psychological Belonging: A Psychological Approach [Conference presentation]. IAAP European Conference on Childhood and Adolescence, Siracusa, Italy.
Tran, M. (2024, August 30-September 1). Cultivating Psychological Belonging: A Psychocultural Approach [Conference presentation]. European Conference of Analytical Psychology, Siracusa, Italy.
Viezca, E., Dominguez, M., Zaragoza, Valentin, H. (2024, April). Decolonial journeys: Queer Chicano therapists alchemizing suffering [Conference presentation]. Harvard Divinity School Program for the Evolution of Spirituality, Cambridge, MA, United States.
Viezca, E. (2024, April). Decolonial feminism & transfeminist psychology: Can “US women of colour critique” support analytical psychology? [Conference presentation]. Journal of Analytical Psychology XVI International Congress. Crossing Borders: Clinical, Theoretical, Cultural and Political Implications in our Changing World. Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom.
Viezca, E. (2022, July 7-10). Pairing Fractal Epistemology with Jungian Conceptualizations: Integrative Approaches to Working with Sexually and Culturally Diverse Patients in Psychotherapy [Conference presentation]. Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies 17th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology on Liberty and Justice.
Wong, W., Dickerson, J.C., Valtis, Y.K., Habet, M., Bernard, M., Kelly, L., Lattin, J., Garrity, P.S., Sood, R., Ohanian, A., Chege, M.W., Bhatt, A.S., Huang, F.W., Yacab, R. (2023). Cancer demographics and time-to-care in Belize. The Oncologist, 2023, 28, 1-9.
Masters in Counseling Psychology Stipend
Karly Salcido received a Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health stipend. The LA County DMH Stipend Program provides meaningful opportunities for beginning clinicians to provide support to underserved populations.
Valerie Passano received a Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health stipend. The LA County DMH Stipend Program provides meaningful opportunities for beginning clinicians to provide support to underserved populations.
Masters in Counseling Psychology
MacBean, A. (2024). Ariadne’s thread: A depth psychology exploration of liminal immanence in dance/movement. Dance Chronicle. https://doi.org/10.1080/01472526.2023.2299506
MA in Counseling Publications
MacBean, A. (2024, May 14). Christiana Morgan – The lost imponderable super anima. Nasty Women Writers. https://www.nastywomenwriters.com/christiana-morgan-the-lost-imponderable-super-anima/
Tousignant, M. (2023). Transcendence and Its Shadow: A Depth Psychological Inquiry into Transcendence, the Transcendent Function, and Spiritual Bypassing. Psychological Perspectives, 66(4), 479-496. https://doi.org/10.1080/00332925.2023.2311547
PsyD in Counseling Psychology
Brooks, M.C. (2024, June 13-16). Anima / animus: Complex, companion, & consort [Roundtable discussion]. Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies Conference, Hotel Andaluz, Albuquerque, NM, United States.
Mythological Studies Student Publications
Anderson, A. (2023). Review of Robert MacFarlane’s “Underland” as a modern Underworld myth. Parabola, Spring, 2023.
Batt, J. D. (Forthcoming). Apollo and Artemis: A Reflection on the Archetypal Consciousness in Space Travel. Space Philosophy Journal, Spring 2023.
Batt, J. D. (Forthcoming). Evolving Light: The Transformation of Christianity in Deep Space Travel. In E. Mazur & S. McFarland (Eds.), To The Stars. Taylor.
Gandolfo, M. (Forthcoming in June 2023). Why No Pictures. Whale Road Review.
Depth Psychology with Specialization in Community, Liberation, Indigenous, and Eco-Psychologies Student Presentations
Robinson, K., & Garza, L. (2023). Coloniality and Somatics. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Chancer, R. (2023). Supporting Well-Being for the Indigenous Guatemalan Community. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Marion, S. (2023). A Decolonial Praxis of Core Competency in Community Psychology: Autoethnography of a Budding Leader. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Bowles, J. (2023). The Work of Art: A Decolonial Community Praxis. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Williams, K. (2023). Re-membering the Past Towards a Liberatory Future. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Robinson, K., Garza, L., Najman, D., Patterson, T. (2023). Invited to participate in Dr. Susan James’ Town Hall on Exploring Fugitive Realities Through Decoloniality: Visual Arts and Praxis at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Budrys, L., Papula, K., Williams, H. (2023). Invited to participate in Drs. Nuria Ciofalo & Susan James’ Town Hall on Struggles, Hybridity, Ruptures, and Choques in Co-constructing Decolonial Community Psychologies in Classrooms and Communities at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Hana Truscott (2023, November 9-11). The reimagining whiteness community podcast. [Conference Presentation]. The Centre for Integrative Anti-Racism Studies (CIARS) 12th Annual Decolonizing Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Gilbert Salazar (2023, November 9-11). Story and ceremony as remedy to colonial violence: Sippin’- short narrative film – four women of color create a ritual of tears for celebration and healing. [Conference Presentation]. The Centre for Integrative Anti-Racism Studies (CIARS) 12th Annual Decolonizing Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Desirée Gonzalez (2023, November 9-11). Decolonizing responses to gender-based violence: From the frame of coloniality and its decolonial re-Frame. [Conference Presentation]. The Centre for Integrative Anti-Racism Studies (CIARS) 12th Annual Decolonizing Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Depth Psychology and Creativity with Emphasis in the Arts and Humanities Student Presentations
Viezca, E., Todd, M., Navarrete, P.N. (2024, June 12). Generating alternative knowledges in the decolonial U.S./Mexico borderlands [Roundtable discussion]. Latin American Studies Association XLII International Congress. Reacción y resistencia: Imaginar futuros posibles en las Américas. Pontificia Universidad Javieriana, Bogota, Colombia.
Viezca, E., Todd, M., Navarrete, P.N. (2024, June 12). Generating alternative knowledges in the decolonial U.S./Mexico borderlands [Conference presentation]. Latin American Studies Association XLII International Congress. Reacción y resistencia: Imaginar futuros posibles en las Américas. Pontificia Universidad Javieriana, Bogota, Colombia.
Viezca, E. (2024, June 12). Anzaldúan theory and the future of liberatory psychological practice in the U.S. and Latin America [Roundtable discussion]. Latin American Studies Association XLII International Congress. Reacción y resistencia: Imaginar futuros posibles en las Américas. Pontificia Universidad Javieriana, Bogota, Colombia.
Viezca, E. (2024, June 12). Anzaldúan theory and the future of liberatory psychological practice in the U.S. and Latin America [Conference presentation]. Latin American Studies Association XLII International Congress. Reacción y resistencia: Imaginar futuros posibles en las Américas. Pontificia Universidad Javieriana, Bogota, Colombia.
Ramsey, R. (2024, June 13) Violin sound sanctuary: A temenos of mindful meditation and sound ecology listening with improvised violin music [Panel Presentation]. 2024 JSSS Conference. Albuquerque, NM, United States of America.
Ramsey, R. S., (2023). Songs of the desert wind: A musical improvisation and meditation performance. Performance and Mindfulness, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.5920/pam.1184
Cahill, M. (2023). The Archetypal Voice: A Somatic Workshop. Presentation at Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) 18th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology on Jung and the Numinous: Art, Science, and Psyche, July 27-30, 2023.
Cahill, M. (2023). Journey of an Agender Body: Making the Invisible Visible. Presentation at Pop Culture Association Conference of Research, April 2023.
Schul, J. M. (Adjunct Faculty), Borysiewicz, A., Boyd, K., Brown, P., Giraud, V., & Lucero, Z. (all DCH students) (2023). In-Depth Body-Mapping: An Artistic, Somatic, and Jungian Approach. Panel presentation at Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) 18th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology on Jung and the Numinous: Art, Science, and Psyche, July 27-30, 2023.
Depth Psychology with Specialization in Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices Student Presentations
Viezca, E., Baker Vanderbrake, A., Stark, A.-M., Carvalhaes, C., & Martinez, P. (2023). Panel Presentation: Emerging From Within and Without: Finding Soulful Kin in Treacherous Times. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Viezca, E. (2023). From Independent Ego-Self to Interdependent Kinship. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Baker Vanderbrake, A. (2023). Considering Memory in Personal & Collective Individuation. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Martinez, P. N. (2023). Ritualizing Radical Hospitality in Treacherous Times. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Stark, A.-M. (2023). Intuitive Space Holding as Catalytic Elements of Radical Hospitality in the Depth Psychological, Intersubjective Space. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Carvalhaes, C. (2023). Ontological Fractal Dialogues in Community Gatherings, Therapeutic Groups, and the Classroom. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Tran, M. (2023). Individual Presentation: Cultivating Psychological Belonging: A Psychological Approach. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Alston, W., Ph.D. (alum). (2023). Individual Presentation: The Voices of Elders on Colonialism and Their Lived Experience. Presentation at APA Division 27, Society for Community Research & Action 19th Biennial Conference: Where Do We Go From Here? Dreaming New Community Futures, June 20-24, 2023.
Uyanik, J. (2023). When it Counts: Reclaiming the Divine Feminine as a Cosmic Force for Creativity and Healing. Paper Presentation at Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) 18th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology on Jung and the Numinous: Art, Science, and Psyche, July 27-30, 2023.
Tran, M. (2023). Cultivating Psychological Belonging: A Psychocultural Approach. Paper Presentation at Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) 18th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology on Jung and the Numinous: Art, Science, and Psyche, July 27-30, 2023.
Fauntleroy, L. (2023). Flower Essence Therapy: An Indigenous Science for the Modern Soul. Virtual Presentation at Shift Network’s Science of Healing Summit, March 20-24, 2023.
Collaboration between Clinical and Integrative Therapy and Healing Practices Student and Faculty Presentation
Rohde-Brown, J. (Chair/DPT Faculty), Gripp, A. (DPT student), Spencer, D. (Clinical student), & Chandler, A. (Clinical student). (2023). Panel presentation/Continuing Education Offering: Embodying Care Across Divides: Meeting Spiritual Needs of Diverse Groups in Substance Abuse Treatment. In APA Division 32, 16th Annual Conference for the Society of Humanistic Psychology, Conference theme: Community. Collaboration. Embodiment: Cultivating an Ethic of Radical Hospitality in Treacherous Times, March 16-19, 2023.
Rohde-Brown, J. (2023). Symbols of Care. Panel presentation at APA Division 32, 16th Annual Conference for the Society of Humanistic Psychology, Conference theme: Community. Collaboration. Embodiment: Cultivating an Ethic of Radical Hospitality in Treacherous Times. March 16-19, 2023.
Chandler, A. (2023). Beyond the Cartesian Divide. Panel presentation at APA Division 32, 16th Annual Conference for the Society of Humanistic Psychology, Conference theme: Community. Collaboration. Embodiment: Cultivating an Ethic of Radical Hospitality in Treacherous Times. March 16-19, 2023.
Spencer, D. (2023). Evolving Racial Trauma Contexts in Future DSM Considerations. Panel presentation at APA Division 32, 16th Annual Conference for the Society of Humanistic Psychology, Conference theme: Community. Collaboration. Embodiment: Cultivating an Ethic of Radical Hospitality in Treacherous Times. March 16-19, 2023.
Depth Psychology with Specialization in Jungian Psychology and Archetypal Studies Student Presentations
Cahill, M. (2024). A transcendent future: A “Discovery” of nonbinary stories. In L. Gardner, C. Miller, & R.-M. Dib (Eds.), Feminisms, technology and depth psychology (pp. 130–155). Routledge.
Smith, R. M. (2023). The Green Goddess: Polytheistic Images of the Divine Feminine. Paper presentation at Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) 18th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology on Jung and the Numinous: Art, Science, and Psyche, July 27-30, 2023.
Amberg, A. (July 27-30, 2023). Re-Wilding the Depths of Psyche: Radiance and Science as Archetypal Principle and Practice. Paper presentation at Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) 18th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology on Jung and the Numinous: Art, Science, and Psyche, July 27-30, 2023.
Manley, K. (July 27-30, 2023). Dreaming the Mórrígan: Dance Film and Discussion. Workshop at Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) 18th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology on Jung and the Numinous: Art, Science, and Psyche, July 27-30, 2023.
Pearson, K. L. (2023). Workshop: Beyond duality: Post-Jungian methods of navigating the tension of opposites. Presentation at American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution. June 2023.
Manley, K. (2023). The Curse of Macha: A Creative Mythological Inquiry into Rage, Vengeance, and Sovereignty After Violation of Freedom. Individual presentation at International Conference, C. G. Jung Institute Zürich, Küsnacht, Switzerland – “I feel, Therefore, I am”: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Emotions and their Impact, June 30 – July 2, 2023.
Mendenhall, M. (2023). Mr. Spock from Star Trek: A Popular Culture Icon as Symbol for the Importance of Accepting the Eros Within. Individual presentation at International Conference, C. G. Jung Institute Zürich, Küsnacht, Switzerland – “I feel, Therefore, I am”: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Emotions and their Impact, June 30 – July 2, 2023.
Mendenhall, M. (2023). “Misuse of the Mycelial Network: Our Ecological Shadow Reflected in Star Trek: Discovery.” Paper presentation at the Conference of the Association for the Study of Women and Myth, May 2023.
Mendenhall, M. (2023). “Mr. Spock from Star Trek: A Popular Culture Icon as Symbol for the Importance of Accepting the Eros Within.” Paper presentation at the Popular Culture Association National Conference, April 7, 2023.
Spehar, C. L. (2023). Masterclass: Walking with Shadow (in person Masterclass on understanding shadow within the clinician and the client). Presentation at the Expressive Therapies Summit Retreat, August 28-31, 2023
Spehar, C. L. (2023). Masterclass: The Archetypal Feminine. Presentation at the Expressive Therapies Summit Retreat, August 28-31, 2023.
Mythological Studies Student Presentations
Bergsten, L. (2023). Writing With Myth. Presentation at The Colorado Teen Literature Conference, April 15th, 2023.
Batt, J. D. (2023). The ‘Web Browser’ of the Collective Unconscious: The Emergence of AI Art-Generation. Presentation at Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) 18th Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology on Jung and the Numinous: Art, Science, and Psyche, July 27-30, 2023.
Batt, J. D. (2023). All Hail the King: The Mythology and Mythos of Stephen King’s Universe. Virtual Presentation at Mythic Musings, March 2023.
Batt, J. D. (2023). Star Lore: The Mythologies of the Stars. Presentation at Nexus Nairobi 2023: When Space, Purpose and Culture Collide, February, 2023.
Batt, J. D. (2023). Facilitator: Jason D. Batt. Stanford/US National Science Foundation “Outer Space Cybersecurity” workshop, March 2023.
Hogan, N. (Forthcoming). Martial Culture in the Lifeways of US Servicemembers and Veterans: Military Psychology, Ancient Mythology, and Re-Souling Service. Routledge.
Clinical Student Presentations
Vatan, S. (2024, August 8-10). Unmasking Darth Vader: Hermeneutic & metabletic analysis of Anakin Skywalker’s cultural significance [Poster session]. APA Convention 2024. Seattle, WA, USA.
Rochester, C., & Quran, R. (2023). Breath & Protest: A psychoanalytic theory of sumud and the respiratory drive [Virtual panel discussion]. APA Division 39, Section IX – Psychoanalysis for Social Responsibility.
Westmorland, L., Jessie, M., & Harris, C. J. (faculty) (2023). Panel Discussion: Shattering the Silence in the Cultural Matrix. Presentation at APA Division 39 Spring Meeting, April 27, 2023.
Ramsey, E. (2023). Poster Presentation: Why Did God Make Girls With Curly Hair? Presentation at APA Convention, August 2023.
Picco, A., Khoun, R., & Morta, D. (2023). Panel Presentation: Rewilding the soul: Experiential sand tray for indigenous youth. Presentation at Violet Solomon Oaklander International Conference, June 2023.
Garrity, P. S. (2023). Into the abyss: A psychospiritual heuristic for psilocybin occasioned mystical experience among patients with life-threatening illness. Presentation at Psychology and the Other Conference, Chestnut Hill, MA, October 2023.